Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Miner Way



 This Video is the first episode of the new weekly Cryptocurrency series. This Episode takes a look into mining for a small or Home operation. It gives you understanding on two main points

 1. Power/Electricity 

2. Advantage to Most profitable coin mining as compared to high difficulty.

 This covers Z-pool, however there are many pools out there that may be closer to your location. Closer pools cuts down on Latency issues. Always remember to research for yourself

Thursday, April 9, 2020

How much Do You Truly know About Crypto

I have one question for you. Did you know that Cryptocurrency is not a new idea? There are many lessons from history one can learn if you only research the real history of the United States.

Do you know what the real metrics are? Do you understand the true engine behind cryptocurrency?

I am going to give you free knowledge right here. Here you can download the free PDF as long as it remains.

Remember Knowledge is power

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Understanding the SATOSHI: So you will not get cheated

 A unit of Bitcoin is divided into One-Hundred-Millionths of a unit. Each Unit is referred to as 1 Satoshi. This is the break down. 1 Bit equals 0.00000100 or 100 satoshi. Some sites claim to pay 1 bit but they are cheating you and paying only 1 satoshi.. Do not let them fool you this is all metrics the list below should help you.

0.00000001= 1 Satoshi

0.00000010= 1 Ultrabit

0.00000100= 1 Bit

0.00001000= 10 Bits

0.00010000=100 Bits

0.00100000=1,000 Bits  OR 1 Milli-bit

0.01000000=10 Milli-bits

0.10000000= 100 Milibits

1.00000000= 1,000 Milibits  OR  1 BITCOIN

Stop using the faucets or Click adds that are falsely stating they pay 4 bits and you get 4 Satoshi. This way you can call them out for falsely advertising the pay per faucet.

Please be aware you are responsible for yourself, and must research this on your own in order to ensure the best pay, as well as what faucets or places on the web not to use so you will not get cheated

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Secret to Crypto Mining for small Mining farms at home

There are so many people on Youtube, and all over the web that are teaching you, the miner from home, all the wrong information. Many Individuals are telling you to spend thousands of dollars for the best GPU hash-power. This is wrong advice.

I have said the game of making money with crypto is not hash-power. Please leave the hash-power to the large mining farms. You are trying to get the best return for the less money. And please do not listen to the calculator on profitability. Everyone knows all electric companies charge per Kilowatt hour, Not watt hour. Therefore 1000 watt power supply is only 1.0 Kilowatts.

Now, I have told you multiple streams of income is the key, so all you will need is an Antminer T9 for the SHA256 Algo, 1- Antminer D3 for the X11 Algo, and finally, 1 Antminer L3 for scrypt Algo. You can set all of them on a multiple algo pool to mine BTC, BCH, DASH, or LTC. YES ALL OF THEM because the coin you want to be paid in, has nothing to do with the Algorithm of the miner.

As you can see, this pool I am being paid in Bitcoin Cash. It pays every 4 hours as long as I meet the minimum. I am using a D-3 and a T9 at this time. Scrypt miner is on order. Now let us look at the algos

The second chart is the SHA 256 Algorithm, and the bottom one is the X11 Algorithm.

This chart shows the last 30 Blocks found, and it shows me the Algorithm that has found the block. It clearly shows the Antminer D-3 is finding a significant amount more blocks than the Antminer T-9. Proof is in the picture.

  This chart shows what Coin is being mined and but which Algorithm. The coin will change because these pools automatically switch to whichever coin is the most profitable for that specific Algorithm.. Then when the coins you mined are mature they are sent to the exchange where they are traded for the coin you are requesting to be paid in.



As you can see, the individuals that have told you , that you can not mine Bitcoin with scrypt or X11, did not tell you the whole truth. For a small miner from home, there is no logical reason why you would want to mine a specific coin anyway. YOU CANNOT HOLD THEM IN YOUR HANDS. It does not matter how you mine, it matters what is the most advantageous to you. I hoped this helped you.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Explosive Testimony Shows the real motive behind Facebook’s Libra.

In the congress testimony of Facebook’s Libra it is now known that Libra is not a Cryptocurrency, it is a Digital currency and that in itself poses a concern. Where the media giants are clearly uneducated to what a real Cryptocurrency is and what a digital asset is, they show the world how clearly uneducated and uninformed they are, and that is the real problem in this country.

Facebook is not creating a Cryptocurrency, rather it is creating a digital asset that would be governed by a select few, does this not sound familiar. Libra if it is allowed should not have a Libra association, for if it does have such an association it is not defined as Cryptocurrency rather a digital currency, that poses serious financial issues, and security issues, not just for the United States, but for the entire world.

With the actual Testimony from Mr. Marcus, it is clear that the Governing body would be the Libra Association. This in of itself, is a back door to a centralized currency for a payment tool that would stifle competition, just like the Big Tech Companies have censored American Citizen’s free speech.

Bitcoin, on the other hand, is a Cryptocurrency whose value is designed back by real math and scarcity. There are miners which solve highly sophisticated mathematical computations to provide hash power across the network, which provides security to the network. There is also the factor that each and every single transaction is verified by the miners, and no fraudulent transaction will be allowed because

the miners would not give a consensus to the transaction, and therefore would be rejected. Another factor is Bitcoin is divisible by one-hundred-million units known as a satoshi. A unit or Bitcoin is not automatically currency, for example a unit of bitcoin can be a share in a company, or it could be a kilowatt of energy, maybe a donation to education. Bitcoin is not limited to be an actual payment currency it is a technology.

The real danger is the media as well being utterly uneducated to the difference. LIBRA is not, and should never be put in the category of Cryptocurrency, because it is not Cryptocurrency. What Facebook is proposing is a complete control of not only our voice, our elections, and media, but also our finance and cannot be allowed.

If the citizens of the United States, ever allow a central bank to control their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that grow up around it would deprive people of their property, and our children’s children would wind up homeless on the very continent their Fathers conquered.” - Thomas Jefferson.

These words were proven true, If we allow this to move forward the dangers of our rights and our entire world would become a disaster. Big Tech needs to be regulated, broken up and deprived of any ability to control anything as important as rights, media, and most of all money.

If we fail to prevent this the results could be disastrous for our country and prosperity.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Learn To Read Between the Lines, LEARN THE COMMS

Q” has often said Learn the Comms. What does that mean? What are optics? Do you think Trump was attacking Bitcoin? How Naive are you? Let me explain. Facebook (A.K.A) CIA Life Log was planning to launch a ICO coin, Which is not really cryptocurrency because there are no verifiers, that would have crashed the economy. Let us look at this

The Blockchain Does not verify transactions. In the case of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash and other Mine-able coins, the miners secure the network and verify all transactions to ensure their validity. Int he case of Proof Of Stake Coins, the wallets need to be opened all day everyday in order for you to receive a stake or dividend, this is also a complete verification of transactions. Just because you create an ICO or Token it does not mean there are actual security measures in place to completely verify that a transaction is legitimate.

So Trump did this for optics, it was a message to the failing Facebook that they know what stupidity they were up to.

I myself will never denounce Bitcoin, it is the only currency that is backed by REAL MATH. Remember Math is perfect, people lie, cheat, and will never be perfect. We can not allow any person or persons to control currency ever.

You need to look at the big picture before you jump the gun and make a false assumption. Bitcoin will always be safe because it is backed by math. Yes a currency backed by gold is good, in fact it is great, however, have we not been down this road before? Was not this fake Fiat currency at one point backed by Gold? Did not the puppet Former President Nixon take away the Gold standard? Are we about to get set up for a repeat in history later on down the road?

Think of it this way, a Captain once told me, when I was in the Military that you can never create a manual that will cover every situation that could arise. Therefore, no matter what safeguards you place Evil will always find a way around them, because People will never be perfect, MATH is perfect.

As for me I will never trust anything except a currency that can be mined based on a solid Mathematical protocol that must be followed upfront.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

My secret: How I do it

*Disclaimer: This works for me because I have taken the time to study what adds up for me. Sites may not l;ast forever, or even be legitimate forever depending on who buys the site and their intentions. Always be responsible and research any site before you pay for an upgrade.

    Now, I am not trying to write this article to show you the only way to do this, however, it is an article to give you an idea of how I continue to multiply the streams of income that comes in regularly to give a good income.

    First of all, a miner with a good pool, and good payout is required. If you are still having trouble choosing a minig pool, please see the article of choosing the right mining pool:  Mining the right Mining Pool

Now There is also something I do every single day which only takes a  short time, and that is visiting url links. These sites also pay directly to faucethub and along with the mining, the Autofaucets adds to my income. Remember the real secret is this, " The more you do, the more you get, the less you do the less you get." This is why you need to understand the real backing of cryptocurrency is math.

I will leave some links below for you to sign up free, remember any real legitimate site is free. You should have the option to pay to upgrade, and it should never be mandatory since earning any cryptocurrency is free, and always will be.

LINKS Banner