Monday, July 15, 2019

Learn To Read Between the Lines, LEARN THE COMMS

Q” has often said Learn the Comms. What does that mean? What are optics? Do you think Trump was attacking Bitcoin? How Naive are you? Let me explain. Facebook (A.K.A) CIA Life Log was planning to launch a ICO coin, Which is not really cryptocurrency because there are no verifiers, that would have crashed the economy. Let us look at this

The Blockchain Does not verify transactions. In the case of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash and other Mine-able coins, the miners secure the network and verify all transactions to ensure their validity. Int he case of Proof Of Stake Coins, the wallets need to be opened all day everyday in order for you to receive a stake or dividend, this is also a complete verification of transactions. Just because you create an ICO or Token it does not mean there are actual security measures in place to completely verify that a transaction is legitimate.

So Trump did this for optics, it was a message to the failing Facebook that they know what stupidity they were up to.

I myself will never denounce Bitcoin, it is the only currency that is backed by REAL MATH. Remember Math is perfect, people lie, cheat, and will never be perfect. We can not allow any person or persons to control currency ever.

You need to look at the big picture before you jump the gun and make a false assumption. Bitcoin will always be safe because it is backed by math. Yes a currency backed by gold is good, in fact it is great, however, have we not been down this road before? Was not this fake Fiat currency at one point backed by Gold? Did not the puppet Former President Nixon take away the Gold standard? Are we about to get set up for a repeat in history later on down the road?

Think of it this way, a Captain once told me, when I was in the Military that you can never create a manual that will cover every situation that could arise. Therefore, no matter what safeguards you place Evil will always find a way around them, because People will never be perfect, MATH is perfect.

As for me I will never trust anything except a currency that can be mined based on a solid Mathematical protocol that must be followed upfront.

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