Saturday, March 18, 2017

A site to help beginners get Free Satoshi instantly to invest in themselves

 We all know by now that the income is directed from Mining, but there are fee Cloud mining sites that you can use to assist you as long as the persons stay legitimate. I will give you a website that you can do in your spare time to earn free Satoshi Directly to your XAPO wallet and then when it reaches a certain amount, usually within a week or 2, you can then take that free money and invest it into more hashing power.

Here is one of the Cloud Mining sites that you can sign up for free

Minegate Remember as long as you can earn for free, there are great rewards, and you may miss an opportunity. All cloud mining sites may not last forever, it is only if they pay they are listed here now.

here is the website to earn from XAPO Faucets directly every so often

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