Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Life of a Miner.

Some people mistakenly use the term that Crypto currency miners get into this because they are lazy. I for one can tell you that reason is a false statement. Let us take an example we can all relate to. When there is something wrong with your cable television, You immediately call the cable company to complain. The cable company then transfers you over to tech support, who tries to handle your problem by going through a script of the most common trouble shooting techniques. If they cannot solve your problem the customer support person has to schedule a time where a physical technician comes out to look at the problem and hopefully fixes it.

This does not happen in the world of Crypto miners. For one thing, there is no company to call, Oh you could call the mining equipment manufacturing company, but they will tell you handle it. For one thing, you are tech support, you are the technician, you are the one that must figure out what is wrong and fix it. So let us look at some of the skills you must have to be a successful crypto currency miner.


You must be able to understand how a computer works, especially if you are running GPU mining systems. You must be able to deduce why a graphics card (GPU) is not running right. You must also be able to program simple BAT files.


You must have a good working knowledge of ASIC or Antminer repair and maintenance skills. You must understand how a miner works, how it runs, and what the common parts are in order to properly maintain and keep your ASIC/ or Antminer working.

Yes it is true, us miners are not in the slave mentality anymore, but that offers two real life lessons. 1. We must be self responsible. We as miners realize we are solely responsible for our pay. There is no crooked Corporation or boss that oversees our paycheck. We must take self responsibility and do what is needed. After all if we are not making the money that we need, then we must take steps to correct it and gain what we need. 2. We must be in total control of our coins we mine. Mining to an exchange is never a good idea. Sure it may seem simple especially with all the multi algo mining pools that actually send you your coins once the minimum you specified is met. But you need to have your own wallet for each coin you mine in order to be in complete control of your money.

There is much more, but this is the basics. Do not listen to people on social media sites using their ego to promote certain coins. You must study the block difficulty, the algorithm, the time it takes to find a block, and how often a block is found and paid to miners. You must also decide if the coin will assist in your pay or not.

I hope this gives you some insight on us miners. After all If it were not for us miners, there would be no Crypto coins. Everything in this crypto currency realm is retaliative and we all need each other.

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