Saturday, January 27, 2018

Explanation of the right way to earn cryptocurrency and be the change.

There are many countless videos all over the Internet on Mining farms, how much they receive, and all that is fine, if you are mining multiple currencies. You should not always focus on GPUs as your main, It should always be Antminers, or in todays world, Antminer D3 an x11 MINER.

Which ever way you go, you should be making a livable income and more so you can actually better the community and the world. Here is another way. We have for many articles stated that you should not invest, you must mine and use the coin. This also opens up the doors to creating website stores to accept cryptocurrency. Unlike the days of old, where greedy business people had to make sales, you do not have to make them. If someone wants what you have to offer they will buy it for cryptocurrency. If no one buys, you are still making money every day mining.

The old ways of investing, putting your currency into anything should be dead to you. You must mine yourself, and try to use your imagination on what you would like to sell, creating more markets. Stop listening to these so called experts who can not even make a profit mining, because they state it is too difficult, where others all over the world are making a profit mining. The truth is, they are lazy, do not have the patience, nor the technical skills to be a miner.

These are the people that will never get it. There is no need to argue, just ignore them and start mining. That is the only way to secure the currency, as well as to keep the currency decentralized for life.

If you think about it, all through history the same thing these investing moguls, and ICO people are doing is the exact same process, following the exact same regulations and banker acts from the criminal international bankers that have caused every single financial crisis on earth. These bankers have funded both sides of the war to make a profit, and the only reason they print any money is for a profit for their share holders.

These are the last people I would even listen to. Since Coinbase and even XAPO have taking on the same regulations as the criminal bankers, it is by far time to own your own wallet, to ensure that what you are sent will never have your name or information attached. The only way Bitcoin, or any other cryptocurrency becomes not anonymous is when you voluntarily give your personal information out to criminals.

Last but not least, only by you physically mining multiple currencies for yourself, you will truly see how profitable it truly is. I did not have to spend a lot on hardware. I have two cloud mining contracts as well for the assist. So do not listen to anyone that lies to you and tells you that mining is not profitable.


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