Tuesday, January 9, 2018


All over the Internet you can see many articles and videos on how crypto mining is not profitable. This is because they foolishly try to calculate it by the hour, or the SLAVE Mentality. Let us break down certain factors for you to understand. Patience is the key to this and you will find it is just like being in the military, or working where you got a monthly salary. That is the key.

The reason why I stated the military was because of these fine factors that the common person does not know. The pay for each soldier, or sailor is based on Rank, Time in service, and time in grade. If you would calculate it on a calculator you would have to do 24 hours a day 7 days a week. In my case when I was in it added up to .25 cents an hour. This is the very reason why Mining profitability calculators are to be ignored. This is not ever an hourly rate. It is however, a salary you want.

So let us look at a mining farm. I am not going to tell you again it is by month. So let us say you have only 4 computers, 4 Antminer S3, and one Antminer S4. This is a great start let me show you. All this is very possible and easy to achieve in reality.

Two computers you are mining Monero with GPU, the other 2 Computers you are mining Zcash with GPU. The 4 Antminer S3's are being used for Digibytes, and the one Antminer S4 is on Bitcoincash. Now let us do the math

At the end of the month you only have 2.89 in Zcash, 3.14 in Monero, 1.3 in Bitcoincash. We will not even take the digibytes. So let us do the math by today's value.

Here is the month results:

Now can you add the monthly salary. That is over $7,000 a month. Proof it is not only hash power. If you were mining Zcash alone, you would need to really gear up a GPU farm to even come close to it. It shows you an example of how you need patience, Let it mine, set up your miners to what you need and go from there. Keep mining do not worry about temps, trust me if you did what was told to you by setting up a cloud mining contract to mine for your electricity bill then all you need to do is be smart, and have patience.

Patience is the key, Patience is a virtue, and patience will give you true prosperity.

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