Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The New Way To Think

What we must understand is we need to have complete control of our coins. Exchanges are fine if the coin cannot be shape-shift easily, but that should tell you that the coins you mine should be on that shape-shift list.

During recent events with the BTC-e exchange having the FBI take it down, it is hard to get the perspective because I know for a fact after being in the Military for ten years, that All of them do not even know the actual codes, they have to look it up, and the book sits on the shelf until they can use it. Secondly, they only use a small context that benefits their reason. This is a form of dishonesty, and I can not fully accept it.

Since I do not have all the facts of what is going on with this situation, I will just educate. The FBI cannot Seize it, if they do they have committed a crime. It is Decentralized and Deregulated. The agents do not have the authority under decentralization, Only fear allows you to allow them. If the data is on a cloud or your wallet It cannot be seized so why would you put your information out there in the first place.

All the coins I mine Go directly to my wallet and I shape-shift them directly to another. I have no information, they cannot get at my money because there is no central information. And If I happen to find I have to use an exchange I will never exchange more that $16.00 value at any given time.

This Form of currency was meant to be private. I have heard all of the Horror stories that Bitcoin along with others is not. Listen get an electrum Bitcoin wallet and look ant multi-signature, look at sending addresses, look at mixing. There is no way to trace, because it was meant to protect you from hackers.

Every-time you send a transaction from your Bitcoin wallet, you generate a different sending address. I asked a year ago when I did a blog on the Block-chain, to anyone telling them if Bitcoin is not ANONYMOUS, then tell me how much did I send 5 minutes before I posted that article. To this day not one had the answer. Because it is all speculation and lies.

Usually, your transactions become public when you use a centralized exchange. If you would only use the exchange for small values, and shape-shift your larger ones, you will find that there will be a far better world when you are in control and there is no central hub that has your information.

Shape-shift is for PRIVATE PERSONS WISHING TO KEEP THEIR FINANCIAL SECURITY a RIGHT PROTECTED AND WILL NEVER BE UNPROTECTED. This statement is true so long as people start to stop sharing their information with exchanges.

It is fine, as I said, If you do a small value, so people do not see. There are similar services but one has to understand it is an address only transaction now, instead of where an exchange your information is broadcasted on what you are trading.

Want pure anonymous safe secure exchanges only deal with the coins you can shape-shift.

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