Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Mining Basics for all those that want true Freedom, and bypass this failing system.

I have given you many tips, and knowledge on mining. The reason is I have the experience and based on personal experience I have found that Hash-power is not the only factor here. If you are not running a warehouse, suite, or another place where you have the best way to make good, then you will have to read the reasons my way is the best to get started, and you can make a good living despite what the negative naysayers say.

Let us look at an Antminer S-3 Farm. Two Antminer S3's can be connected to one, Correct, Power supply. This saves on electricity and you must use multi pools to mine multiple coins. Hash-Power is no longer an issue because the multi pools mine the most profitable coin every second anyway and just pay you in the coin you are requesting.

Once you have your miners set up with each having it's own unique I.P address, then you must choose the right Multi Algo Pool for you. Either Zpool. CA, Yiimpccmier, or countless others that are surfaced. Program at least three different coins that you want to be paid in to your own wallet that you either have on your computer, or mobile device. Every other day, or once a week be sure you exchange your coins through shape-shift, to whatever your base coin is, Either Ether, Dash, Litecoin, or even Bitcoin. I tend to use another because this way only you will know how much you have as it should be.
The below example shows two pools, but it is good to have three. Think about this 3 different coins for each Antminer, Multiplied by 20 Antminers is 60 coins, which means you have 60 streams of income, Trust me, you will see when you are converting to your base coin how quickly it really does add up.

Using this graph, you can see that we have a split of mining ScryptJaneNf16 Algorithm, X15 Algorithm, Qubit Algorithm, and Lyra2RE Algorithm. The best way is to have a steady, Multiple stream income that you can see add up when you convert to that coin you are using as your base coin.

I have other tips and tricks, but remember this, The next time someone says to you that you need hash power and mine one coin not divide your hash power, you look at them and simply say, 60 will always be greater than 1.

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