Sunday, July 29, 2018

Living on crypto

Truth be told I would not have it any other way. My Grandfather sat me down when I was 8 years old and warned me DO NOT DO ANYTHING JUST FOR THE MONEY, FOR MONEY HAS NO VALUE. He knew what was going on way back then, and all my life I have tried to be the rebel to shake the system up, not realizing that the majority were so ignorant and brainwashed that they could not even do any research for themselves.

When I was in fourth grade, My teacher Mr. McCreedy used to have a routine that there were 25 words written on the chalk board. We were to look them up in the dictionary to define them and use them in a sentence to show we understood what we learned. This was the basics of researching for yourself.

Cryoptocurrency is decentralized, and deregulated. It is the one innovation that truly takes the control out of the hands of the International Bankers and puts it back in the hands of the individual to actually be the change that will truly fix an economy.

Living on crypto takes innovation, imagination, math and technology skills, but the rewards are so much that you cannot even list them all. Never before has it been a market where you no longer have to worry about affording a new house, or a new car, or just the ability to take a vacation. You now just have to do what is needed, no longer regulated by an hourly slave wage, or the system controlling how much you gain which causes you never to get ahead.

I am thankful for all the classes I have taken on computer science, java programming, web page design, CNC classes, as well as shop classes back in high school. I am also thankful for the intelligent computer experienced people I hung around with which forever gave me the tools I needed to truly understand and use this incredible technology.

The only way you will ever truly experience true freedom, and piece of mind, is to get onto the crypto understanding and take control of your own life.

For all those in the Acting, modeling, or entertainment industry please understand that history will always repeat itself. The story for every one of the greats are the same, they work extremely hard to perfect their craft, and then they are thrown away by the industry which always ends up the same sad story of dying broke. Please learn to trust yourself not in the illusion.

This is the future of oneness, we are the change of this world in a positive way. Please if you are new to cryptocurrency, you can learn the basics here for free. Take advantage of my experience, mistakes, and knowledge to help guide you through with less loss and headaches.

Remember if you truly want the world to change, then look in the mirror and realize you know nothing, and change yourself into being the change that you want to see in the world today.

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